Download this form to apply for SocioActive Kit (Jpeg Format)
Download this form to apply for SocioActive Kit (.XLXS Format)
Many children throughout the world including India are unable to attend school because they do not have any school supplies! In places around the world, parents are struggling to meet their family’s basic needs. Even a few required supplies, like pens and paper, maybe more than many families can afford. To the children who receive School Kits or these supplies mean the difference between getting an education or not. Public schools are usually free in India, but in the villages and when parents can only afford to send one of their children to school, even a few required supplies, like pens and paper, maybe more than many families can afford.
How Can You Help
Now you can help us send them to school with a smile. Based on the research we’ve conducted informally, we have put together an essential school supplies in a small school bag that we believe will be a great encouragement to many of these kids and families – a School Starter Kit or SocioActive School Kit.
SocioActive School Kit contains essential items that a typical school going kid would find helpful to get started, such as a few educational supplies like notebooks, pencils/pencil box, eraser, color pencils/oil pastel, exam pad, and a school bag.
Essential School Supplies in Each School Kit/Bag
With SocioActive School Kits our goal is to support kids from financially challenged families to take the first step into schooling. We believe that this support will make a big impact if forming the future for the kids, we would like to call them, a SocioActive Kid. After all, it’s more than a box of useful items — it’s a box of encouragement!
Now you can sponsor a SocioActive School Kits and send a kid to school with a smile for only Rs 600. How?
Direct Deposit
Account Number: 50200031868194
Account Name: Socioactive Charitable Trust
IFSC Code: HDFC0003758
Address of the Bank: HDFC Bank LTD, NO 665, HSR Layout, Sector 1
27th Main, Bangalore 560102, Karnataka